The AGM is being held on Thursday, 6 October, 10.00am – combined
with the Speaker meeting at the Salvation Army Hall, 10 – 12 am. The
agenda for the meeting will be sent out in mid-September. Please let
Carole Mullender, our secretary, know if you wish to add an item,
proposal or resolution to the agenda.
We are looking for new committee members as several people have
stepped down after years of service. In particular, we need a Publicity
Officer and a Membership Secretary, as Maggie Fowle is leaving that
role this month. PLEASE consider offering a few hours each month to
our organisation, which is NOT a service but a collection of
Several interest groups have folded in recent months due
to lack of support. Could YOU start a group for a special interest of
yours? It can be anything you like (as long as it’s legal!). You don’t
need to be an expert – it’s often a case of learning together, and
there is so much help and support available these days.