Our first Speaker Meeting since February 2020 was a great success!
Packaging – Friend or Foe by Jonathan Fowle
SMu3a member Jonathan stepped into the breach (again) when our arranged speaker was unable to attend. He gave an updated version of his previous talk in October 2018 on plastics and packaging discussing the 4Ps-Pack, Preserve, Present, Promote. Without good packaging food would deteriorate quickly. Shelf life, to keep products in optimal condition, is governed by combining appropriate food and packaging technology. UK packaging waste collection, sorting and recovery policies by local authorities are variable. Households are also often unsure what is recoverable. The pandemic has increased single use plastic for PPE, testing kits, medicinal packaging and other disposable products. No other product gives the security necessary for pharmaceutical packaging.
A good turnout for our first speaker Jonathan Fowle.
How green are you? Do you have some recycling tips to pass on? Let us know how you do your bit to save on packaging and waste.
TIP: Tesco now has a container by the entrance to recycle soft plastics such as the clear film used to wrap meat and fish, crisp packets, sweet wrappers, bread bags, salad and veg bags. (Soft plastics are NOT plastic bottles, tubs, pots, trays and caps. They go in your blue bag.)